I buy meat at our local grocery when they have meat sales or manager specials is what they are called. They mark the meat down A LOT!! I get these little mock steaks , usually 5.00 or more a pack for 1.50! A lot of people think because the meat is marked down it is not good. That is wrong. It is good. Take it right home and freeze it. Our grocery also marks down their fresh baked items too. Just keep an eye out for markdowns. You can save a ton of money that way.
This is one of the easiest recipes. I take a pack of those mock steaks, I think that is what they are called , not sure why. I put them in a pan with some soy sauce and a bit of water. Let them "slow cook" covered until I can cut them into strips. Add 1 bag of frozen chopped broccoli, onion, and green pepper. This time I actually had an onion. But, I had to use my dehydrated green pepper dices. Let this all cook until the onion is just turning clear. Serve over rice. That is it. Add more soy sauce to your taste and that is it. YUMMY!!!!!! Free Solar Book
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