
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Cut The Cable TV Cord!!

The best thing that we ever did was cut the cable off and buy one of these Roku HD Streaming Player! We have had ours for a couple of years now and it was a lot more back then. Now the Roku box is cheap. It was an up front cost and then nothing else, but the $7.99 a month for our Netflix. All of the other stuff that we have on our Roku HD Streaming Player is free! I added to our box and I can watch all of the channels that I watched on cable, but for FREE and no huge cable bill. Our cable bill for our household , with 2 tvs, was running us about 87.00 a month. So that is a huge savings. I love this Roku HD Streaming Player! I do not know what we would do without it for very long. We have an antenna on our tv so that we can get the free local channels , but I hardly eve watch it. I can watch all that I need on the Roku HD Streaming Player!! They even have a new app on the Roku HD Streaming Player now called Plexx and you can watch Youtube videos. I also can have my twitter and facebook on the tv! You have got to seriously think of getting one of these for your home. Save a ton of money. You do have to have highspeed internet, but we always had that anyway so that is no big deal.

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1 comment:

  1. I have the Roku HD as well. The wifi hookup is the best part.

    There are a lot of products coming out though that I saw over at CES this past year with smart TVs, the PS4 and a lot more. Very exciting!
