
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Recipe For A Perfect Family To Make Survival Easier In Any Emergency!

This is the only recipe to have on hand. Even if you cannot cook , you will be able to create this masterpiece. This is a recipe for the one thing that will help with your prepping and survival. A recipe for the perfect family home-life.

Recipe for the perfect family home-life.

2 or more people

3 cups of love

1/2 cup of peace

1/3 cup of faith

1/4 cup of trust

2 cups of caring

1/4 cup of forgiveness

1/3 cup of sharing

Mix all of these together gently. The result will be a happy family that will be more able to weather any storm or emergency that comes their way. Any prepper knows that a good and strong family is one of the most important things needed in your prepping. You all have to be able to work together , trust each other, share with each other, care for each other, be peaceful with each other , have faith in each other, and most important LOVE each other. Have a strong family unit and your survival will come much easier.

The Prepper's Pocket Guide: 101 Easy Things You Can Do to Ready Your Home for a Disaster Ultimate Family Preparedness Pak

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