
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Food Storage Recipe - Sweet and Sour Chicken Nuggets

Another easy recipe that is a favorite with the kiddos. Kids love chicken nuggets. The whole family will love this. Especially whoever has to cook it , because it is quick and simple.

Sweet and sour chicken nuggets

2 tablespoon of vegetable oil

20 frozen breaded chicken nuggets

1 bag of create a meal frozen sweet and sour stir-fry meal starter

One package of chicken flavored ramen noodle soup mix

1 cup of water

In a skillet that is heated with the vegetable oil cook the chicken nuggets. Keep them warm and in another skillet mix the frozen meal starter with all of the sauce , veggies, and pineapple. cover this and cook for a few minutes. Crumble the ramen noodles and then add them with the seasoning packet and water to the veggie mix. Cook this mixture until the noodles and veggies are tender. Serve with the chicken nuggets on top.

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