
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Food Storage Recipe - Meatball Lo Mein

Great recipe for the frugal family.

Meatball Lo Mein

18 frozen original flavored meatballs. I always get them at our local grocery store for $1.00 a bag and can do so much with them that I always have a few bags of them in the freezer.

1 bag of frozen create a meal lo mein stir-fry meal starter

1 small red or green bell pepper

1/3 cup of water

Heat the meatballs as you are supposed to on the package. I do mine in a pan even though it says to use a microwave. I stopped using our microwave a few months ago after reading so much about how dangerous they are to your food. Google the dangers of microwave cooking. Pretty scary.

In a large skillet heat the frozen veggie mix , bell pepper, and the water. Heat until the veggies are tender and then stir in the meatballs. Serve. YUMMY> Kiddos love this recipe.

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