A garden of any size will be a big help to you. I have a very small garden and it is already doing good. Nothing to eat yet , but there will be. We have tomatoes, baby corn, beans ( several types), brussel sprouts, and some green pepper that does not seem to want to come up. :(
No matter how much room that you have to have a garden in, make the most of it. Grow what your family loves and work with that. Every little bit helps. I can't wait until we have tomatoes. There are also a few tomato plants out by our shed from when I tore the plants out the last 3 years from the front. Threw them back by the shed and now they grow there too. Fresh tomatoes are just so good. You can never have too many of them. There are so many things to do with them. If you do not have a lot of room , at least, grow some tomatoes.
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