
Sunday, April 29, 2012

How to Build A Storm Shelter

This seems like something that I have to do. To many tornadoes happening and I have no basement. I do have a garage that I could this in. I actually think that every new home built should have a Tornado Shelter.

How to Build A Storm Shelter

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Went To A Yard Sale...

Had to go to Dollar Tree early this morning and seen a yard sale. I just had to stop. Glad that I did. Found these 2 oil lamps and got them for $2.00!! What a deal that was. I love how they can be hung. Will really come in handy. Now I really need to stock up on lamp oil since I have so many oil lamps. Trying to find the lowest price on it. I know Family Dollar has big jugs of lamp oil for 4.00 a bottle. Not sure if that is the lowest price I can get or not. Anyone know where to get it cheap??

The Prepper's Pocket Guide: 101 Easy Things You Can Do to Ready Your Home for a Disaster Ultimate Family Preparedness Pak

120 Serving Breakfast Only @ $198 (120 Servings breakfast assortment. No entrees) - Order Now!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Hiding Things In Plain Sight

Our house is way too small. I have had to come up with different ways to "hide" things around it. One of the ways is to use trunks! I have an antique trunk that is out coffee table and it is full of food storage and stuff. I also have wicker trunks that are stuffed full. Trunk at the end of the bed that is stuffed. Just trying to come up with ways to put more things in this house is a full-time job. Our shed is full. The closets are full. Under the beds. LOL I have rubber made totes that I just throw fabric over to hide them as our night stands. When you have a small house - you have to come up with ways to store items that does not have them out in the open. So I hide it all in plain sight.



 The Prepper's Pocket Guide: 101 Easy Things You Can Do to Ready Your Home for a Disaster

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Homemade Whipped Cream

Oh boy! I guess I made the worst mistake on Saturday that I could have ever made. At least that is what my husband told me. I FORGOT TO GET WHIPPED CREAM TO GO ON THE STRAWBERRIES THAT I BOUGHT! WOW! I just forgot. I let it slip my mind because I really do not like whipped cream on anything. Well, our son had the car and was out of town so we had to come up with something. Hubby was crying like a baby. So I had to get into my food storage and make some whipped cream. The photo is when it was about halfway done.

It worked great.

Homemade Whipped Cream

Put your bowl and mixer blades into freezer for about 15 minutes before using.

1 cup of Powdered Milk

1 cup of ice cold water

Beat this until stiff. Then add 4 Teaspoons of sugar and 1 teaspoon of vanilla. Beat this until well blended. and then serve over your strawberries.

The Prepper's Pocket Guide: 101 Easy Things You Can Do to Ready Your Home for a Disaster

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Keystone Canned Meat - Finally Got Some...

To Try!! And I have to say that it is not too bad. I really liked it a lot. I got 4 big cans for $6.48 a can at Walmart and each has 9 servings. 2 canned Keystone Ground Beef and 2 canned chicken. I also got a smaller can of the chicken to try out. We just opened the can, I drained the chicken stock into a freezer bowl to save for soup sometime, and added BBQ sauce and we had sandwiches. YUMMY!! I will be buying more of this. You can do so much with this canned meat. Make soups, casseroles, etc. Possibilities are endless. Great way to add to your food storage and give you something good to eat.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Trip To Walmart - Bear Creek Soup Mixes!!

We finally got to a Walmart this past Saturday. Have not been to one in almost a year. We were wanting to get some of those cans of Keystone Canned Beef and Chicken to try out. ( Post about that tomorrow!) We found these Bear Creek Soup Mixes that have 8 servings and are only $3.00!!! A lot of the food storage places online have soup mixes like this and they offer less servings and are about $2 - $3 more than this. So, if you are looking for a low cost way to build up your food storage this would be the way to go.
We made a package of the Creamy Potato soup for dinner that night. I have to say - IT is awesome. I have tried some of the food storage companies online and this is better than those. Creamy, thick, and really filling. It was full of diced potatoes. I loved it and so did hubby and the kids. This is a winner. I have other flavors to try out also and a couple of other brand of the soups that look good. Walmart have a huge selection of these. We will be going back and getting them all!! This is a great way to frugally add variety to your food storag

Monday, April 23, 2012


Just wait a day. I have a ton of stuff to write. Made some additions to the stockpile, went to a yard sale, tried out some soup mixes, and more. Soon!! My son is out of school today and I just now have been able to get on here for a couple of minutes. The Prepper's Pocket Guide: 101 Easy Things You Can Do to Ready Your Home for a Disaster Ultimate Family Preparedness Pak

120 Serving Breakfast Only @ $198 (120 Servings breakfast assortment. No entrees) - Order Now!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

What Am I Supposed To Do With This? Hellman's Mayo For a Year!!

My husband is a truck driver and he is always bringing home crazy stuff. Last week he brought home 2 huge boxes of kitty litter, we don't have any cats! This week he brought home a huge can of Marinara sauce and a Huge bottle of Hellman's Mayo!!!
What am I going to do with this?? 256 servings in this bottle!! Can I dehydrate it or freeze it????

The Prepper's Pocket Guide: 101 Easy Things You Can Do to Ready Your Home for a Disaster Ultimate Family Preparedness Pak

120 Serving Breakfast Only @ $198 (120 Servings breakfast assortment. No entrees) - Order Now!

Friday, April 20, 2012

This Present Life: Travel

This Present Life: Travel

I know that this is not a normal thing to post to this blog, but I really think that it is a great idea. Make some up to put in your kid's bug out bag. Keep in the car. Use for homeschooling. So many ideas. Kid's are going to be nervous and scared if an emergency happens so they are going to need things to take their minds off of what is happening and these would help. Get the kids distracted with  these so the adults can focus on the danger.

The Prepper's Pocket Guide: 101 Easy Things You Can Do to Ready Your Home for a DisasterUltimate Family Preparedness Pak

120 Serving Breakfast Only @ $198 (120 Servings breakfast assortment. No entrees) - Order Now!

Food Storage Recipe - Sloppy Joe Pizza

Something a little bit different , but that can be easily changed up to use your freeze drieds and dehydrated foods.

 Sloppy Joe Pizza

 1 pound of ground beef or ground turkey or use your freeze dried meats

1 large onion or use your chopped freeze dried onions

3 thinly sliced carrots or use your dehydrated

1 teaspoon chili powder

1 can of diced tomatoes that are flavored with garlic

1 package of refridgerated pizza dough or better yet, make your own

 parmesean cheese

 preheat your oven to 400 degrees. fry up the meat, onion, and carrot until meat is done. Drain the fat and add the chili powder and cook for a minute longer to get it all around. Stir in the tomatoes and bring it to a biol. Than lower the heat and simmer for about 10 minutes, uncovered. While that is simmer get the dough out and put on a slightly greased pan. Bake it until it is lightly golden brown and then top with the meat mixture. Put the cheese on top. I also sometimes add shredded mozzerella cheese and then stick it back in the oven for a couple of minutes to melt the cheese. Yummy.

 The Prepper's Pocket Guide: 101 Easy Things You Can Do to Ready Your Home for a Disaster Ultimate Family Preparedness Pak

120 Serving Breakfast Only @ $198 (120 Servings breakfast assortment. No entrees) - Order Now!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Doomsday Preppers

Love this show. Trying to get caught up with all of the episodes online."It's essential that you use the web to educate yourself on how to prep and survive a doomsday situation"
The Prepper's Pocket Guide: 101 Easy Things You Can Do to Ready Your Home for a Disaster Ultimate Family Preparedness Pak

120 Serving Breakfast Only @ $198 (120 Servings breakfast assortment. No entrees) - Order Now!

Food Storage Recipe - Mom's Skillet Goulash

This is a simple recipe that uses items that should be in your food storage. Shows you that it does not take a lot to be able to have a great meal that is frugal and taste great. You do not have to live on beans and rice when SHTF! It is also a quick recipe. I also try and show how you can use your freeze dried, dehydrated , and TVP items in all of my recipes that I post on this blog. ( Sorry about any photos I have put on here lately. I am having to use my camera phone and it is not too good.

 Mom's Skillet Goulash

2 2/3 cup of uncooked Rotini pasta

1 pound of ground beef  (or use your beef flavored TVP)

 1 chopped onion  (or use freeze dried chopped onions)

1 1/2 cup of chopped celery (or use your dehydrated celery)

  2 cans of diced tomatoes 

1 can of tomato soup 

1 teaspoon basil 

 salt and pepper  

Cook the pasta as directed on box. drain it well. Cook the ground beef, celery, onions, until beef is done and drain well. Stir in the pasta and the remaining ingredients. Heat to a boil and then lower the heat and simmer for about 10 minutes. This is great served with bread and a salad.

  Free Solar Book

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Back Up Energy - FREE Solar Energy Info Book

Free Solar Book

Been wondering what types of backup energy would be the best to have on hand. I seriously think that having a couple of different types is a good way to go. Have wood for heat , kerosene for heat, maybe a small wind mill, etc. Get this Free Solar Book to find out more information about solar power. It is a free book so you don't have to spend any money to find out anything.

The Prepper's Pocket Guide: 101 Easy Things You Can Do to Ready Your Home for a Disaster Ultimate Family Preparedness Pak

120 Serving Breakfast Only @ $198 (120 Servings breakfast assortment. No entrees) - Order Now!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Casting Call Preppers




A Major television production company is casting single men and women who share the belief that the world is soon ending for a new major television series. We are in search of people who passionately believe in the world’s inevitable end, but are also single and looking for someone to enjoy the rest of their time on earth with! Please tell us your story.

Please email us with your story with a current photo of yourself along with a current contact telephone number and email address to Sean De Simone ( at

The Prepper's Pocket Guide: 101 Easy Things You Can Do to Ready Your Home for a Disaster Ultimate Family Preparedness Pak

120 Serving Breakfast Only @ $198 (120 Servings breakfast assortment. No entrees) - Order Now!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Putting It Into Writing....

Unfortunately, my printer broke and I do not want to take money that can be used for more important items to buy a new one. So I have decided that since I already have most items printed off that I can use Notepads and write everything in them that I think is needed. Getting the Notebooks Online is super convenient! Keeping a notebook with everything in writing is also a good idea if you are ever without power and cannot get online.

The most important type of notebook that I wanted to have was one that is small enough to carry with me in my purse. That way I will have it with me at all times and be able to write things in it as they come to my head or when I see something. The first one that I got was the Roaring Spring Environotes Sugarcane Notebook. I LOVE it. Fits perfectly in my handbag. The paper has a great feel to it and it is tough. Perfect for my needs. Most notebooks that I have had to carry with me did not last long. Not sturdy enough for me. This one will last! Plus it has room for all of my ideas that come to my head at any time. When I am looking for more office supplies and paper notebooks I know what ones to buy.

Do you want a fun notebook that is VERY "green"?? I got one for you - A Roaring Spring Elephant PooPoo Paper!! YES ~ It is made from elephant poo!!
What an awesome idea! The paper is great too. I got this little notebook and I carry it with me, too. It is a cool notebook. Recycled and odorless. It is not gross to use paper made from elephant poo. They eat so much grass that most of it does not get digested. Which means this paper is really made up of grass. No cutting down of trees to make this paper. They are using something that is in plentiful supply to make this. I really like this paper and the feel of it. Be great to keep close at hand to write any ideas that come to me.

Now, I also love to plan my garden ahead of time so I have me a new Roaring Spring Landscape Format Writing Pad – Quad Ruled it is great graph style paper. Awesome for drawing garden plans, plans for sheds, graph out plans of your food storage room, and more. I really love it! Great quality paper. Really comes in handy when you are planning out anything. Make your measurements and draw the plan out. Very detailed and easy to do with this paper with its landscape format.

The Prepper's Pocket Guide: 101 Easy Things You Can Do to Ready Your Home for a Disaster Ultimate Family Preparedness Pak