
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Alternate Forms Of Lighting

I really do not like that idea of having to use those nasty CFL lightbulbs. So I am trying to come up with other ways to get light. Some of them are obvious, Candles and oil lamps
. But I also want some other ways to get some light too, that might not be so dangerous in a kids room. I already use some solar lights. I put them out on my back porch during the day in a flower pot to charge up. Then at night I bring them in. They work as great night lights in a kids room. I got some at Dollar Tree a while ago and wish now that I had bought every single one that they had. I had only bought 3 of them to see how well they work, found out they work great and 2 days later went back and they were sold out. :(
I am thinking of getting one of these, Designers Edge L-949 10 LED Rechargeable Solar Panel Shed Light. I could put it in our southern facing kitchen window with the panel outside the window to charge it up. That would work great. I just wonder how much light it puts out.
We also will be doing a lot more things that do not require a lot of lighting. My son bought me one of these for Christmas, Ritelite LPL792XLB 5-LED Computer and Book Light, Metal and it surprisingly works great. So I can sit and read at night and not have to turn on a bright light. It helps too, when others are watching TV or playing the Wii and do not want the lights on. I can read in peace.
I am still trying to think of ways to get alternate forms of lighting. I have a pretty good night light in the bathroom, that already keeps us from having to turn that light on too often. So I am always thinking. Those CFL bulbs are dangerous and are bad for you. I have had 2 of them given to me over the last few months and both of them lasted about a week, blowing up! Which cannot be safe plus have they have mercury in them.

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