Click Here to Learn how to survive Martial law. Get more info about this hostile takeover. Protect your family by learning how to be prepared and how to survive it.
The Hostile Takeover Is Imminent
Do we have a reason to worry?
At this point, we all know the state of our country is going down the drain. You see horrible stories about our government utilizing “dirty politics” to achieve personal goals and agendas, not help American citizens like you and me. People are losing their homes at record rates, and being foreclosed on by banks who received tens of BILLIONS of dollars from the Government, which WE pay for via our tax dollars! This means the Government gave the banks our money, and now the banks are not using it to keep us Americans in our homes.
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A Martial Law takeover is just a matter of when, not if!
The headlines on television continually remind us that our safety isn't something that's assured, and that the government doesn't have the welfare of us American citizens at heart. People are protesting about the atrocities committed against you and me, the American citizen (and rightly so) but the government doesn't see it that way...They see this standing up for our rights as oppression and they're ready to take action against people like you and me to stop it.
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I want to do everything I possibly can to make my fellow Americans aware of how to survive Martial Law. If none of us stand up for our rights, our American heritage, and everything we stand for as American citizens, this country is doomed! I want you to have the tools to protect what’s important; your family, yourself, and your home. Don’t become a victim, help me in the fight against Martial Law.
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