3 cups flour
2 tsp. baking powder
3/4 tsp. salt
about 1 cup of water
Stir together the dry items and the gradually start adding the warm water until the mixture gets kind of crumbly. Start working the dough with your hands until it holds together. Put out on the counter and kneed it until it is smooth.
Divide it into 12 pieces that you need to shape into smooth balls. Let them rest for about 10 - 15 minutes.
To roll out each ball you kind of flatten the ball down and then roll it out until it is about 9 inches round. Carefully peel it up and place it on a preheated griddle or good heavy frying pan. Right away there should be blisters on the tortilla , turn it over and press it down with your spatula , turn it over and press down again. do not let them get too brown and if they do start to get too brown turn the heat down. Stack the cooked tortillas inside cloth , like a towel and put them into a plastic zip-loc bag to steam them.
See how easy that is. Now anytime you need some tortillas you can make them for almost nothing and easily.
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