
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

3 Reasons You Need Bleach in Your Disaster Kit

When you build a home disaster kit, or as some call it, a survival kit, the most important item to have besides a first aid kit is bleach. Not scented bleach but regular common bleach. You will discover that bleach not only cleans, it sanitizes, and purifies water.

Here we discuss three ways to use bleach in an emergency situation.

#1 Use Chlorine Bleach to Purify Water

When you are thirsty and the water supply has been interrupted, will you know what to do? If you have bleach handy, you can purify your own water.

You can use plain common bleach to eliminate most bacterial contaminates. The general rule is 8 drops of chlorine bleach (must be common bleach, not scented, not color safe) per gallon of water.

You can look this up on the Internet via a specific product label. I know one major label of bleach has a chart for purifying water.
Of course, you will want to print up the chart, either laminate it or place it in a sheet protector, and store in your safety kit.

Additionally, make sure you tape an eyedropper to your emergency bottle of bleach for easy use.

#2 Use Bleach as a Sanitizer

During storms, floods and other kinds of disasters, some raw foods and food surfaces may be contaminated. Bleach used in the correct proportions will make a good sanitizer.

Once again, using only regular chlorine bleach is essential. Again, you can look up the brand of bleach you bought for specific ratios to print up and store.
Using common test strips for swimming pools and spas will be helpful in determining proper ratios. Add a test kit to your disaster kit.

#3 Use Bleach as a Cleaner

Everyone knows that bleach is good for removing stains from clothes. Well, bleach is good for cleaning up messes made by floods and some other disasters.

Using bleach as a cleaner for cleaning up flood damage and water damages caused by rain will help you get your house back in order and sanitized. This is essential to cleaning up unknown bacteria that may have been swept into your home by floodwaters.
Once again, you can visit the bleach's website to print up and store proper cleaning solutions.
Over time, bleach will lose its potency. Therefore, every two to three month use your emergency bleach for your home and buy a new bottle of emergency bleach.

A bottle of bleach and a little expertise will help you survive many natural disasters.

Robert enjoys many business ventures and sharing his passion with others. As a businessman, he always has new projects going. Visit his latest adventure at where he shares his knowledge of Discount Home Office Furniture

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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

How to Eat During a Natural Disaster

When disaster hits, most people aren't ready. Most people think that food will be plentiful and all the stores will be open. That isn't the case in most natural disasters. People who don't prepare will suffer. People who plan will prosper. Planning ahead is the answer.

Food is Essential

Food is an essential that most people take for granted. If a storm hits, the stores will close. Do you have enough food in your house to feed the family for two to three weeks? Three weeks is generally how long people usually have to cope with in a disaster.

The Bare Minimum

The best way to be prepared is to build a home survival cache of food. You should have enough food to feed your family for at least one month. You will need ways of preparing the food as well. In most disasters, electricity will be curtailed, therefore:

Foods that require refrigeration and fresh foods will spoil before the month is out.
Pre-Packaged Ready-to-Eat Food

You might consider looking on the Internet to buy a food preparation kit for you family. This is the easy out, but it will be costly. If you haven't eaten MRE's (meals ready to eat), you might try them first. You might not like the food and things will be bad enough without putting up with food you don't like. Some taste better than others so:

Consider sampling them before you commit to buying large quantities.
Dried and Canned Food

The best thing is to buy the foods you like that are canned and dried. These foods last a long time and will make your time struggling through the disaster tolerable. If you are use to these foods, eating won't be a chore. Remember to cover the basic food groups to cover all of your needs.

Freeze dried foods and dehydrated pastas, as well as beans will help you vary your diet and make food more desirable.
Storing the Food

When it comes to storage of these foods, it is best to purchase or build a waterproof container or containers for storage. In the case of flooding, food will not do you any good if it is ruined. Dehydrated, condensed and freeze dried food will all ruin when it comes into contact with water.

There are many ways to store your food supply if you do your homework and plan.
Cooking the Food

As far as preparation goes, you will need a way to cook your food. You do not want to eat raw foods for a month. Therefore, a camping stove that accepts multiple types of fuel is best. That is where camping comes in. People who camp regularly will be ahead of the game. If you aren't a camper, it will be best to practice cooking on your camping equipment. If you have to use it in an emergency, you will be ready.

Check with your sporting goods store as to how much fuel and what kinds are best for extended cooking needs.

Robert enjoys many business ventures and sharing his passion with others. As a businessman, he always has new projects going. Visit his latest business venture at where he has compiled reviews on Plus Size Workout Clothes.

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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Family Survival Essentials to Help Get Off the Grid

How reliant are you on the products and services of others? We rely so heavily on the system that if the system went away many would be lost and desperate. We all use electricity and buy our food from the supermarket but if there was a major power outage and the supermarkets closed would you be prepared with a cache of survival items? Have you been watching the economy and our government lately? Look at what is going on in other countries; we are not that far away from similar events.

Supply lines for food distribution in this country are about three days, meaning a dependence on "just in time" distribution systems, which will leave store shelves empty in the event of even the smallest crisis. If you don't have the ability to grow your own food long term, your life could be in danger. Start by planting a garden to grow your own food it can be fun and rewarding as well. Learn about home canning to increase your survival food storage bank. For a small investment you will end up saving over time as the jars are reusable and this will get you started in getting off of the food grid. Find seeds that are authentic strains which are NOT genetically modified in any way. When the going gets really tough you will only want this special type of seed which will produce not only outstanding nutritional plants but will allow you to plant the seeds from the plants you grow unlike sterile hybrids that will not reproduce. Start your survival seed bank now!

Electricity is a little harder problem to overcome the avenue that I have chosen to overcome this problem is solar panels. They are expensive so I add one at a time to the roof when I can afford a new one and hope to eventually get enough to stop my meter or run it backwards. If you Google solar panels you will find a wealth of information about how they work. I chose this method over generators as I will eventually run out of fuel, they are noisy and you have to run them outside alerting your neighbors or other prying ears you do not want. Wind energy is not an option for me in my suburban setting however you may want to look into that as well. The first unit I recommend is a portable unit that does not hook into your home. It has its own battery pack in a self contained unit with one or two panels outside that you can position. This way I can power the basement refrigerator getting it of the grid and keep the unit charged while it pays for itself.

By using these tips you gain some independence from these systems, and start saving money on electric and grocery bills. In this economy it will only benefit you and if there is a disaster or heaven forbid the economy collapses you will be better prepared with these family survival essentials. You can find more information about these survival products by going to my web page (link in author resource box).

With all of the severe weather events seemingly on the increase I have been stocking some canned goods for an emergency. Last year when the wind storm from the hurricane came through my house was without power for two weeks. After this I began looking for ways to better prepare for my family and found a lot of good advice and products. Unfortunately I cannot share them all in this short article however you may find more information in my web page Family Survival Essentials.

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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Preparedness BookStore

i finally got done with my new Prepared For Survival Store!! It took me a while to add the items and I still have some more to add. It has books , tools, solar powered items, and more. Anything that someone preparing for survival would need.

If there is something that you think that my store should have please comment on it.

Thank you for checking it out.

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Friday, June 25, 2010

Survival Foods - 3 Options You Have to Prepare For Emergency

In times of distress, natural disaster or even terrorist attacks, survival foods are one of the most important things to have on hand.

Having enough food to eat will help you and your family survive most emergency situations. Survival foods can also help you in case of a job loss or in the case of an illness or pandemic where you don't want to leave your home.

Most people today are taking steps to make sure they have a supply of survival foods on hand. What are your options? Here are 3 different types of survival food to consider with advantages and disadvantages of each:

#1 Can or Preserve your Own Food

If you are the Martha Stewart type, have hours of free time, or have nothing better to do on the weekend, then canning or preserving your own food might be for you.

The advantage to this option is that you can choose what kinds of foods to have on hand and preferably choose something you'd actually enjoy eating. You might also save a bit of money doing it this way as well.

The disadvantage is of course time. If you're like most people, you don't have much free time after work and the thought of preserving food all weekend doesn't excite you.

Plus you have to be aware of the shelf life of this food - probably around 1 - 2 years at best. So you'll have to make sure you eat your preserved food and add in some more newer foods as time goes by.

#2 Dehydrated Foods

You can dehydrate your own foods with a food dehydrator. This option gives you a little more variety and again, you get to choose foods that you like to eat.

Many of the higher end food dehydrators have timers so you can "set and forget", which make things a little easier. I consider dehydrated foods more of a short term food storage item, as you should (according to some sources) consume them within 1 year of making them.

Experts also recommend that any dehydrated meats be placed in a freezer to help them from spoiling.

You may also need to place your newly dehydrated foods in the freezer right after dehydration for a few days to help reduce the possibility of insect contamination.

Again the two issues you may have with dehydrating food is preparation time - which can be long, and shelf life - which can be quite short.

#3 Freeze Dried Foods

You can also buy prepackaged freeze dried food that is easy to stack and store.

Freeze dried meals that are easy to prepare are one of your best options for survival foods. Most meals only require you to add water - which in an emergency situation might be all you have.

Plus in a true emergency if you have young children, the simpler the meal is to make, the better. You can ask them to help (this will also keep them distracted from the problems outside).

And contrary to how the name sounds freeze dried foods can taste remarkably good. Some companies have made their freeze dried foods almost to gourmet levels.

For example you can get Chicken a la King, Italian wedding soup with meatballs, vegetable stew with beef, and even blueberry pancakes.

Plus unlike the two options above, some freeze dried survival foods have a shelf life of 25+ years (depending on storage temperature). So as a long term food storage option they fit the bill.

Basically all you do is store them in a cool dry spot, and inspect them on a regular basis.

So those are 3 options for having survival foods on hand in case of emergency. No matter how you choose to prepare yourself, it's important that you do take some steps to have food on hand should you be stranded in your home and/or unable to find food.

Being properly prepared can mean the difference between barely surviving and thriving should the worst happen.

Want more options? See Survival Foods for more suggestions and tips on emergency preparedness.

Or visit Food Insurance for freeze dried foods with a 25 year shelf life.

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Survival Preparedness - Practice May Save Your Life

A Survival Story

This story is just a product of my own imagination, but my hope is it may be food for thought for at least a few people. The setting is a rural farm in Kansas. Miles from any neighbor or town. John and Mary Smith and three children. Sally, age 7, Billy, age 5, and Kathy, age 3.

They have always relied on their own strength and determination to see them through. Emergency preparedness supplies had never seemed necessary. Like the pioneers they were descended from, they took care of their own. No need for fancy survival kits, or survival tools. They had seen many tornadoes, and their farm had always been spared.

But then one day in early spring, a monster tornado came crashing through, headed straight for their farm. They ran for the cellar, where they had always been safe before. This was their only survival preparedness plan, except for a few home canned foods, and a gallon or two of water.

As they huddled there, listening to the screaming, roaring, destruction above them, terrible fear on their faces, they lost their generator. Their only source of power was now gone. There in the dark they waited. Something heavy crashed on the door above them. The children screamed in terror.

At last the horrific noise outside was gone. John attempted to open the door. It was jammed tight!
Reality struck him like a ton of bricks. Their meager disaster preparedness supplies may not be enough. They had not one survival tool, very few survival supplies. They were trapped in their own cellar. They had no other family near by, or even close friends.

My point here is, we must all practice survival preparedness. This scenario is fictional. But could easily be true. Our world is in turmoil. A simple inexpensive survival kit could save your life. The proper survival tool might get you out of an otherwise hopeless situation. Emergency preparedness supplies, such as food, radios, water purifiers, etc, may keep you and you family safe until help arrives.

We are all busy. Making a living, taking care of our families. But take a minute and think. Its happening all around us, every day. Terrible things that could have a positive outcome. Spend a little time and thought to insure your families safety. Expect the unexpected, always, and be prepared for it.

My name is Sharon Rowe. I am hoping I can convince a lot of people to practice disaster survival preparedness. The terrible earthquakes, monster storms, terrorism, and even just getting lost on back roads can be devastating, and life threatening. These are some of the reasons we built our web site. We truly want to help.

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Friday, June 4, 2010

4 Ways to Start a Fire Without Matches Or a Lighter

Starting a fire is essential to your survival, without a fire you can't keep yourself warm, you can't cook or boil water, and you cant dry out clothes and shoes that are soaked. Having a fire is also a way to boost morale especially after a catastrophic event such as the collapse of civilization. Remember before starting a fire with any of these methods it's important to have all the available materials available. You want your logs, kindling and smaller twigs and paper beside the fire so it's easy to grab once your fire starts, you might only have one shot at doing this. You may also need to create something called a "bird's nest", simply put this is a gather of dry grass, leaves, or whatever material you can find that burns very easily and can be bundled together to look like a nest, hence the name.

Magnifying glass

One way to get a fire going is with a magnifying glass. I recommend using a smaller one as this will take up less space when travelling, and many of the smaller versions come with their own protective cases built in to protect the lens from scratches. To use a magnifying glass to start a fire, first build your bird's nest using dry grass, paper, whatever you can find. Then placing the bird's nest on the ground align your magnifying glass to the sun. The glass will concentrate the sun's rays into a much smaller focal point causing that area to heat up very quickly. Once you see smoke starting gently blow on the bird's nest until you see fire, then start adding you're kindling on top

Steel wool and a battery

One of the easiest ways to start a fire is with a 9 volt battery and steel wooI.'ve used different brands of steel wool such as S.O.S pads, but the generic brand I found works the best because it doesn't have the added cleaning agent in it. To do this simply take a piece of steel wool and start opening it up, the goal is to turn it into a bowl like shape. Once this is done fill that bowl with easily burnable material such as dry grass, leaves, paper etc. Now taking the 9 volt battery touch the top end of the battery (The end with the positive and negative ends) to the steel wool. Very quickly the wool will catch on fire, allow a couple seconds for the fire to spread and start to burn the dry kindling before you add more.

Magnesium fire starter

If you're using a magnesium fire starter you don't need to necessarily make a bird's nest, but there are a couple extra things to consider when using one. First find a flat piece of cardboard, bark, or other easily burnable material, this is what you will use to place your filings on, don't just have the filings fall into the dirt because they will get buried in there and become ineffective. Using a saw blade or file not a knife blade (This will quickly dull your knife unless you have no other choice) starts shaving the flat side of the fire starter. Make sure to avoid injury that the saw blade is moving away from your fingers not towards it. Continue this motion until you have a pile of filings a little larger then a quarter (Loonie if you're Canadian), of course you can also go a little bigger if you feel that isn't large enough. Remember to keep those filings together, what your essentially doing with them is creating kindling, magnesium burns very hot and fast (About 5000 degrees), and keeping them together will allow them to burn longer.'t strike the flint. The filings will go up very quickly so remember to have your kindling very close by. Once its lit start adding your kindling, don't heap it on top all at once but add a piece at a time allowing the fire to start burning each piece. Throwing everything on all at once is a good way to kill your fire before it has a chance to catch.

Pop Can Or Beer Can

In the post apocalypse world discarded pop or beer cans should be very easy to find. To use this you're going to need a can, something to polish the bottom of the can with, a small piece of flammable material such as paper or cloth, and a roach clip or small object to hold the paper or cloth such as a small twig. First you need to polish the bottom of the can, it's important that it's not scratched as this will act as a mirror to collect the sun's heat. One way to polish it is to use tooth paste and some toilet paper since neither one is abrasive enough to really scratch up the can. After polishing the can for about 45 minutes to an hour you then want to align the can so that the sun's rays are running parallel and will allow it to collect heat. To ensure its parallel you want the shadow of the can to be as small as possible, the smaller the more in line to the suns rays it will be.

Once your can is aligned you want to find the focal point, or where the sun's rays will be most concentrated on the can, you can check this by moving your finger a couple of inches above the can until you find the hottest point. Then take your flammable material (paper, cloth, etc) place it on your twig or small stick and position it at the focal point, remember that you want the twig, roach clip or whatever you decide to use as small as possible to reduce the amount of shadow cast onto the can, obviously the more shadow means the less heat will be collected. If this is done right your flammable object should start to smoke fairly quickly, once it does place it into your bird's nest (Which you should have made already) and gently blow until it catches fire.

An important note to remember when using the sun as you're source to start a fire is to always use protective eyewear. The last thing you want to have happen in the post apocalypse is to permanently damage your eyes.

To learn more about post apocalypse survival check out my website The Razors Edge a post apocalypse survival guide for additional information and tips to you prepare.

A little about me

I am a former Canadian Forces soldier who has served the military honourably for 7 years. My website is a collection of that military experience mixed with my fascination for the apocalypse and end of the world related topics. I wanted to create a practical real life guide that can help you survive if our civilization collapses.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

11 Must Have Items For Your Bug Out Bag

First you're probably wondering just what exactly a "Bug Out Bag" is. This is a military term used to describe to gear a soldier keeps packed and ready at all times. In the event that soldier needs to be rapidly deployed the soldiers kit is pre packed and ready to go. While this usually refers to all of a soldiers kit, you only need one bag. This bag will contain only essential items to keep you alive.

Depending on your location and the time of year will determine what exactly you will have in your bug out bag. Despite this there is some kit that is essential and should be in everyone's kit. Here are 11 items every bug out bag should include.

1. First Aid Kit

Of all items this is your most important, remember in the event of a collapse or natural disaster you have to rely on yourself, there won't be any 9-11 service, no paramedics, and no clean hospital beds if you are injured. Make sure your first aid kit whatever type has a few pocket CPR masks. These masks will keep you from getting an infectious disease or from having to eat a casualties vomit.

2. Flashlight

I recommend using a flashlight that doesn't require batteries such as a wind up with LED lights. I keep two in my bug out bag in case one is lost or breaks. Some models also have the ability to be used as a charger for items like cell phones, radio's or even iPod's. Another option is getting a head lamp which will allow you to go hands free. While these use batteries they tend to have longer battery life then their hand held counterparts.

3. Radio

Having a radio provides two things, information to the outside world, to safe zones or evacuation centers, and a distraction. While I don't recommend blasting music where ever you go (If there are any radio stations left that are playing music) as this can give away your position to others. Like flashlights try to find one that doesn't require batteries.

4. Knife and Multi-tool

Both are excellent choices and I recommend having both. For a knife you don't require a massive blade, a six inch blade is more then enough to be used as a tool and weapon. For multitools you can go the cheap route and purchase one for as little as 20 bucks, however I recommend spending a little more, say in the 80 to 100 range as these offer better quality which in turn means longer life and more resilient to abuse.

5. Fire Starter

Fire is vital to ones survival, so carry a few different types of fire starters with you. The obvious first choice would be either a lighter or matches which I recommend having several with you. Also carry a couple magnesium fire starters which are excellent at starting fires. Another option is to use steel wool and a battery, simply spread apart the steel wool and rub the top of a battery on it. Make sure that these two items are stored separately, the last thing you want is to have your backpack burst into flames, especially if it's still on your back.

6. Water Purification

In the post apocalypse chances are good that much of the fresh water will be contaminated. Also carrying several days worth of water is heavy, noisy, and unpractical. To keep from becoming sick keep a few bottles of water purification tablets with you and a few clean bottles (Any type will work). Simply add a couple tablets to your water and in about half an hour your water should be safe to drink. It's important to remember that these tablets won't remove all forms of bacteria, virus' or other contaminants.

7. Rope

Rope is necessary for a number of tasks such as building a shelter, climbing, repairing clothing and equipment, and building traps and snares to catch animals. I have three types that I carry in my bug our bag, the first is para-cord an extremely strong and lightweight cord that can be used for everything. The second is nylon cord to be used as general purpose rope such as tying up objects and building shelters with. The third is a heavy duty climbing rope for climbing and to be used as an improvised harness or "Swiss Seat"

8. Foot-powder

In the wasteland your feet will probably be your only form of transportation, you must take care of them. If your feet are injured your mobility is compromised and you become a target.

9. Shelter

I keep two large tarps with my bug out bag, rather then a tent which can only be set up one way and requires multiple parts, a tarp can be rigged up any way you need with the resources you have at hand. Tarps can also be used to collect rain water.

10. Compass

While a GPS (Global Positioning System) is easy to use and can provide your location within a few feet depending on model, they also rely on batteries and satellite's. Batteries will only last so long before needing to be recharged, and even though there are thousands of satellite's in orbit, they will start to breakdown quickly. A compass on the other hand if kept in working condition can provide your location for as long as you need it.

11. Food

Like water food is important to keep yourself going. With food you can go two directions either buy military style or inspired rations or canned food. Both have long shelf life, but canned food has one advantage it has water used to package the food which can be consumed adding extra nourishment. Remember with canned goods to check for air leakage. This can be done by simply pressing on the top of the can. If the can's top is rigid and doesn't move or moves very little it should be fine. If the top can be pushed down a lot then there is a air leak in the can and the food has most likely gone bad.

Like I mentioned earlier these are what I consider must haves for any bug out bag. Your location, budget, and other factors like time of the year will determine what other items you have in your bug out bag. For more ideas of what you can use to make your own bug out bag or to look for supplies for own visit my website The Razors Edge a post apocalypse survival guide. My website also have other tips and information, and videos on the post apocalypse to help you prepare.

A little about me

I am a former Canadian Forces soldier who has served the military honourably for 7 years. My website is a collection of that military experience mixed with my fascination for the apocalypse and end of the world related topics. I wanted to create a practical real life guide that can help you survive if our civilization collapses.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Selecting Foods For Disaster Survival

Choosing and storing foods for disaster survival is critical because of the possibility of being stranded with no way to purchase needed supplies for days on end. There are prepackaged survival food kits available, but with a little thought you can have everyday favorites on hand to add variety to meals. This will help raise everyone's spirits as well. As you stock up on foods take into consideration anyone in the family who has special dietary needs.

Water is your first priority. It is recommended that there be a one week supply of food and water. Allow about one gallon of water per person per day for tooth brushing, washing up and cooking. You will need about 28 gallons for a family of four. Store your water in sturdy containers, preferably glass, rotating and using it regularly so that it remains fresh.

Milk is an important item to include. Even though the electricity may be out, you will find milk in new types of cartons that need no refrigeration and has a long shelf life. As you gather your disaster survival foods note the expiration dates and use and replace the items regularly to keep them fresh. The milk can be used for cooking and for cereals, which are vitamin fortified to provide extra nourishment. Powdered milk is OK, but it uses some of your precious store of water.

Make a list so you can include your favorite canned fruits and vegetables. Pick a variety of colorful and sweet fruits like peaches, pears and mandarin oranges to satisfy the need for something sweet. Staple vegetables like green beans (even spicy pinto beans), peas, potatoes contain vitamins necessary to keep up everyone's strength. Canned items can be eaten cold if there is no stove available and no way to start a fire. Soups are important and canned meats, tuna, beef stew will all round out the menus you can create. Some foods that are too high in calories or fat for everyday use are good for short term survival situations because they supply extra energy and feel wonderfully decadent in trying times.

Snacks are important disaster survival foods that help to keep up spirits between meals. Select some junk snacks, potato chips, pretzels, nuts and dried foods and trail mix that all store well. The vitamin fortified cereals work as a snack and are also good for you. Be sure and include salt and pepper and small amounts of your favorite spices to dress up meals. Dried articles such as pasta, beans or rice should be used sparingly because they all take large amounts of water to prepare and you need to watch your water supply to make sure you have enough to drink. These items are also available in the canned food section of the grocery store.

Keep a list of your foods for disaster survival, post it on the wall of the storage area and check it often for content and expiration dates. This will keep you content knowing you are prepared for whatever comes.

Edie has many interests and her curiosity leads her to researching them resulting in free lance articles which help others meet their online goals. If you would like to spice up your bedroom look for a vintage duvet cover or a queen size duvet cover to add color and ambiance to the room.
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