
Monday, September 28, 2009

A Second Car!

We are slowly getting our second car up and running. We bought a 2001 Chevy Lumina for just $600.00 - we knew for that price that it would need some work. So far we thought that it needed a new alternator , but after putting in a new one and the car still not holding a charge we tried a new battery , but that still was not. Guess what we found out -- It is just a switch in the lights that has a short so when you turn the lights off and think they are off , they are really on and running the battery down!! OMG. We are going to fix that this upcoming weekend and then we will have a great "new" car for backup. Plus for our 16 year old son to drive. His driver's test is in October.
It is always a good idea to have 2 vehicles. Download our free toolbar

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