
Thursday, July 30, 2009

Make Your Own Disinfectant Room Spray

Making your own household items is a great way to save money and keep your home clean and fresh!

Here is an easy way to make your own disinfectant room spray:


* 15 drops lavender oil
* 8 drops orange or lemon oil
* 2 drops eucalyptus oil
* 1/4 cup water

Combine all in a spray bottle; shake well before each use. Mixture can be sprayed into the air. This is just such a great way to refresh the air in your home.

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Am I the only one who does this???

I do it all summer - I get things ready and stockpile for winter! I go to yard sales and look for blankets, sweaters, puzzles, books, and other stuff to get us through the winter. I also stockpile food items that I use a lot of in the winter. Like all of my baking needs, etc.

Am I the only one who does this?? I just hate getting out in the winter and having to worry about stuff like that. I try to make it to where I have to get out as little as possible. Really helped a lot last winter, because we had a bad winter. The winter before last was bad also and we were without a vehicle for most of January and February. I bought my mini van in that March. So to be stocked up on items made it a lot easier. Stockpile paper products while they are on sale and other items like that. I always make sure that we have plenty of bath items, medicines, coffee, flour, beans, soup making items, and more. We also keep a few gallons of kerosene on hand for our kerosene heater in case our power goes out. That can be a life saver!!

I just use common sense and think about anything that I use daily and use more of in winter and then stock up on it.

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Dutch Oven Cooking!

Dutch oven cooking is a great way to cook. I am pretty new to using one and I found a ton of great information on the internet. I also found this great site that has tons of Dutch Oven Recipes. Dutch ovens come in many different sizes and styles. I like the one that I found at a yard sale that is cast iron and has a handle for hanging. I now need a tripod thingie for hanging it above a campfire.

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Monday, July 27, 2009

Convert A Truck Or Van Into A Camper!

I really like this idea for converting a mini van, truck, bus, etc into a camper so that there is a well stocked way to scram if you have to! This really is a great idea and is a much bigger way to have a 72 hour survival kit , but on wheels. All ready to go!!

We have a Chevy Astro van that we have been wanting to do something with. The poor thing is over 20 years old, but she has a new engine and has been going strong for the last 2 years that we have had her. I would love to make her into a camper so that we can go camping and for being prepared. I found this website that has tons of information on how to convert vans and trucks. I really like the ideas and tips. It should be pretty simple , even for me and my husband who both are not very handy. We can get by , but if it gets too detailed or elaborate - forget it! Our van is already set up with things in the back to give us electricity. I think that who had it first did a lot of camping , just not in the van. I have a fan hooked up in there now for the riders in the back because we do not have A/C!!

We were just talking about this and my husband said that this would be a great idea and that we should try and find a cheap second car so that we can outfit the mini van and have it always ready as a bug-out vehicle!!

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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Perfect For Summer!!

I have not tried this yet, but I am planning on doing it in the next couple of days. I want to try it out and see if I can do it and we are getting low on bread. So Perfect time to try and Bake bread on the grill!!!

I know it will work , but I just hope that I can do it. That is one of the reasons that I am going to try it out now. Get to practice. Practice makes perfect. Do it now and learn how to do it now and then when the time comes and it might be the only way to make bread , I can do it easily!!

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Monday, July 13, 2009

Frugal & Easy Supper !!

None of us really felt like doing anything this weekend, not even really cook. So, I was trying to come up with something that would be easy and that I could throw on the grill to cook. I remembered Hobo Packets ( this recipe is for the oven , but if you read in the comments you can see how to do it on campfire , which is what I do on my grill ) and fixed them up real quick , put them in the grill on the back porch and about an hour and 15 minutes later we ate!! Yummy!!

Do you know any other type of cheap and easy recipes??????

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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Homemade upside-down tomato planters

This is a great thing to do with any extra cloth bags that you have laying around. I have quite a few of them that I have gotten free in the mail.

This is so easy to do. Take the bag, cut a small hole in the bottom, insert the root ball (I wrapped the root ball in the fabric first to make it easier to get it through the hole), spread the fabric out across the hole to keep the soil in, add the soil, and water thoroughly. Hang up somewhere strong because these are HEAVY. Also , remember to hang them where they will get full sunshine for a few hours a day.

Use the smaller sized reuseable bags. This can get too heavy in one of those bigger sized bags.

You can also do this with a hanging planter. Just use the same idea with cutting a hole into the bottom of the pot.

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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Dehydrate Food In Your Car??

When I first saw this , Car Dehydrator , I was thinking "No Way". But I tired just a small piece of apple in mine and it worked. Great idea and FREE!! It just really works on the same idea as a solar dehydrator

. I could do a ton of food in my mini van!! This weekend it is supposed to get HOT here and I am going to do some more apples. My toddler loves apple chips. WOW! My mind is going a mile a minute with this one. I LOVE anything that is free and uses no power!!

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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Make An Olive Oil Lamp

How cool is this. I just seen this on Mother Earth News on how to make your own Olive Oil Lamp. I really like this idea and the ease of it. Plus , It gives me something to use all of my jars that I have been saving.

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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Staying Cool With No Power?

How do we stay cool when we have no power?? I have ordered a small solar powered fan that I hope to get soon, but what do we do if we do not have one of those??

I have thick curtains on my south facing windows to keep the hot sun out. But when there is no breeze and it is 95 degrees out , what else can we do to keep cool??

Please post in comments any ideas.......

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