
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wordless Wednesday - What I Am Saving Up For!


  1. Looks like a great stove! My husband and I are currently debating the benefits of a wood stove (heat & practical) versus a fireplace (pretty) for our hypothetical, someday ranch. I have a feeling we'll end up with the stove, but I hope to find one as pretty as this & where you can see the flames.

  2. I like this one too because it is made to be used as a cook stove also. Really practicle.

  3. My parents have something like that. It heats up their almost 3000 square foot house on it's own :)

  4. They work great if you can keep enough wood on hand. I had a buddy years ago that heated his whole house this way.

    Not exactly the safest way to go though. I believe that house burned down after he moved out of it.

  5. I've been drooling over one of those for years.

    love them.

  6. Hubby and I are fortunate to have inherited one of the really ancient ones like that from a farmhouse that was torn down. Its excellent for cooking as well as warmth :-)

  7. Can you share what brand this is!

  8. very interesting information ... i like it ..
