You need to learn how to do things now that you might need to know how to do in case of an emergency. Do you know how to make bread? Do you know how to sew? Learn how to filter water and cook anything on a grill.
If you learn how to do the stuff now , than when you need to be able to do it you can. This will save you a lot of heartache and trouble. How important it could be to know how to make your own solar cooker, but if you wait until you need one, it might be too late. Make one now when you do not need one and than you will be able to adjust things in case you need too and it not be too late.
You need to know basic home repair also. What would happen if you had something go wrong with your house and you could not fix it.
It is also a good idea for you to learn how to forage for food in nature. There are many edible plants and you might want to be able to hunt and dress what you get. I love to fish and that could be a life saver one of these days. With a creek behind our house that has fish we could eat good, but if we did not know how to fish it would be useless to us.
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